Lishui two-day tour

Release date: 2018/11/14 13:30:00  Click volume: 3317
October is the mature season. The mountains and the wild are swaying the leaves of various colors, the fields are full of mature fruits, and the osmanthus trees along the road exude a burst of fragrance. In such a beautiful day, in order to thank all employees for their hard work, enrich the cultural life of employees, open up the vision of employees, ease the pressure on employees and enhance the cohesiveness of the company. The company planned a return to nature - starting from Jinyun.
At 7:30, we started from the company. We laughed and laughed loudly along the way, winning everyone’s applause. Although the road is a bit far away, everyone is not boring. After three and a half hours of driving, we came to Dinghu Peak, which has the “first stalagmite in the world”.

We climbed the Dinghu Peak and watched the entire Jinyun by cableway. Everyone is full of enthusiasm, walking the mountain road, crossing the river ditch, everyone has a happy smile on his face. In the afternoon, I visited the small red wall called "Little Penglai", where I left a beautiful memory.

The next morning, we set off for the ancient painting township. There are thousands of ancient banyan trees and Ming and Qing dynasties. We hugged the old trees and lamented the vicissitudes and lapses of the years.

In the afternoon, take a cruise and enjoy the sail of the Lijiang River. After crossing the time, I visited the township of painting towns originated from the modern Chinese “Barbizon School”.

In just two days, it was so fast, we blew a tired, harvested happiness, and gained goodness. I hope this beautiful memory can add luster to your life!
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